Thursday, 7 March 2019

#WomensDaySpecial Pakistani women who have broken stereotypes and have set new benchmarks for all the young ladies

First of all a very happy Women's Day to all the superb ladies out there. Embrace your falws and celebrate your achievements, it's your day. 🌸

A lot of people know Pakistan as a country that doesn't let girls to achieve their dreams, well that's not the complete truth. This Women's Day let me help you see a wider picture. 
It's really difficult for a women to work in a male dominant society where only job acceptable for a women is to make gol rotis and do dishes, well that is a respectable job but not THE ONLY task left for the women, we are much for than that. I am going to introduce you to a few courageous Pakistani women who have not only broken stereotypes but have proved themselves in their respective fields.
"Girls can't fly high" this phrase has been proved wrong by this fierce young woman. She initiated as a pre medical student but Qaswa's passion gave her wings. She has completed her training from hybrid aviation, Lahore at the age of 21 and is the youngest female pilot of Pakistan.

Breaking stereotypes like a Queen and proving that women can reach to their desired destination even if it is sky. Qaswa is no less than an inspiration for all the young girls out here.
When I asked her one advice or a message she wants to give to all the girls, She replied: " You are the inspiration you're looking for. You're everything you need. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. And never compromise on your ambitions. Love yourself and respect your own self. And don't let society tell you otherwise. Life is bigger than the beauty standards and the mould you're told to fit in. Have faith, indeed Allah is the best of planners."
It won't be wrong if I call her the superwoman of Pakistan. She went to Khunjerab and Babusar all the way from Lahore and that too on bike SURPRISING No? just to add a little more information Zenith is the first ever Pakistani girl to do so. 

All she did was just to achieve her father's dream which he left in the midst. A woman riding on a bike in Pakistan is not something you see on the daily basis but after her courageous attempt a lot of women have been inspired and it has almost become a norm today. Zenith is not just a girl with bike, she has a film made on her life and called as "Pakistan's boundary braking girl" by CNN.

Upon asking for an advice she would like to give to the young girls, She said: " Trust your instincts. Know that nothing can lower your confidence. Nothing can destroy you. You are a beautiful gift created by God so live your life like it."
She is the first and the only Pakistani high altitude mountain climber. Samina climbed to Mount Everest and all the seven summits only at the age of 21. Salma has also received the pride of performance award. 

A lesson that I extracted from all of the 3 stories is: The boundaries and limitations that most of us create are all in our mind. Nothing can stop you if you follow your passion and give whatever it requires to achieve that goal, you'll be UNSTOPPABLE if you stop giving others the power they don't deserve. 

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