Saturday 13 July 2019

A piece of thought

Insecurities live along us like a little kid. We keep them close to our heart and play with them but at times they annoy us the most. Just like a kid we have to train them well to not to bother us otherwise they'll be really painful to deal with. A parent cannot live without their child in the same way, a person doesn't exist without insecurities. We all have our target points that we keep hidden from the world deep inside our heart. Just like a mother duck that keep it's ducklings beneath her warm wings to protect them from the cruelties of the evil that resides in the ocean. What we call weak points, are our insecurities actually we need to accept and address them so that they cannot harm us because if they do that will be a lethal damage.

Thursday 7 March 2019

#WomensDaySpecial Pakistani women who have broken stereotypes and have set new benchmarks for all the young ladies

First of all a very happy Women's Day to all the superb ladies out there. Embrace your falws and celebrate your achievements, it's your day. 🌸

A lot of people know Pakistan as a country that doesn't let girls to achieve their dreams, well that's not the complete truth. This Women's Day let me help you see a wider picture. 
It's really difficult for a women to work in a male dominant society where only job acceptable for a women is to make gol rotis and do dishes, well that is a respectable job but not THE ONLY task left for the women, we are much for than that. I am going to introduce you to a few courageous Pakistani women who have not only broken stereotypes but have proved themselves in their respective fields.
"Girls can't fly high" this phrase has been proved wrong by this fierce young woman. She initiated as a pre medical student but Qaswa's passion gave her wings. She has completed her training from hybrid aviation, Lahore at the age of 21 and is the youngest female pilot of Pakistan.

Breaking stereotypes like a Queen and proving that women can reach to their desired destination even if it is sky. Qaswa is no less than an inspiration for all the young girls out here.
When I asked her one advice or a message she wants to give to all the girls, She replied: " You are the inspiration you're looking for. You're everything you need. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. And never compromise on your ambitions. Love yourself and respect your own self. And don't let society tell you otherwise. Life is bigger than the beauty standards and the mould you're told to fit in. Have faith, indeed Allah is the best of planners."
It won't be wrong if I call her the superwoman of Pakistan. She went to Khunjerab and Babusar all the way from Lahore and that too on bike SURPRISING No? just to add a little more information Zenith is the first ever Pakistani girl to do so. 

All she did was just to achieve her father's dream which he left in the midst. A woman riding on a bike in Pakistan is not something you see on the daily basis but after her courageous attempt a lot of women have been inspired and it has almost become a norm today. Zenith is not just a girl with bike, she has a film made on her life and called as "Pakistan's boundary braking girl" by CNN.

Upon asking for an advice she would like to give to the young girls, She said: " Trust your instincts. Know that nothing can lower your confidence. Nothing can destroy you. You are a beautiful gift created by God so live your life like it."
She is the first and the only Pakistani high altitude mountain climber. Samina climbed to Mount Everest and all the seven summits only at the age of 21. Salma has also received the pride of performance award. 

A lesson that I extracted from all of the 3 stories is: The boundaries and limitations that most of us create are all in our mind. Nothing can stop you if you follow your passion and give whatever it requires to achieve that goal, you'll be UNSTOPPABLE if you stop giving others the power they don't deserve. 

Sunday 9 December 2018


I get a lot of requests on insta to write something about depression, so here you go...!

Let's clear the vibe

First of all, let's clear the stereotypical misconception about depression that "it is all in our minds" "you are being thankless" "ungrateful" "dramatic" "it's nothing real". If it's you who think this way then hold on and LISTEN! DEPRESSION IS AS REAL AS ANY PHYSICAL ILLNESS...!! Wonder if you tell someone, you have a severe cough and high fever, the other person laughs and say you are a thankless person you look fine! Be grateful! This is how it feels when you reply like that to a depressed person.

What is depression?

The reason why I called Depression, a silent war is because a lot of people suffer in silence, they choose to isolate themselves from the world, not many of us speak about it in public or even with our close friends, we lock ourselves behind the doors and cry, scream under the pillows so that no one can hear us sobbing. Depression is like this, it takes you away from the people you love the most. It's makes you vulnerable and a victim in your own mind, you see yourself as a victim or a culprit nothing in between, you have done all the wrong things or everything is going wrong with you! Well if you think it's just you suffering like this then no, we all are fighting battles in our minds, some have the courage to speak up and others are gathering it to fight back.

Depression is a state which makes us feel unworthy of love, care and affection. We blame ourselves for the mistakes we didn't even commit. It just makes us hate the world, people and our own exsistance to a level that even death seems an easy option. A lot of people commit suicide and a few don't, those who do, were trying to tell us that they are unable to bear all of the criticism people were throwing at them, they wanted to tell us that they needed love and acceptance which they didn't get, because of that they feel this world is not for them and they took their lives. Their death is a scream, an untold story that we need to listen, so that depression doesn't take the life of our loved one. Give people space and attention to open up, pat their back and tell them they are strong.

If you are depressed and reading this, we all go through some sort of struggles, sometimes it's hard to even breath in such circumstances but by the time, you will be fine, healed and most of all stronger than ever before. STAY STRONG AND DON'T GIVE UP.

Tuesday 16 October 2018


Happiness have different meanings for everyone. Some people consider their job, children, spouse, money source of their happiness and some may find happiness in materials but this is not the real happiness, it's temporary and dependent on others and it will vanish as quick as it wasn't even there. The trouble starts, when we search happiness in the outside world, when we seek pleasures in things and people.

Most of us in the present age don't know what happiness even is. Do you remember when were you happy the last time? When your dad/husband/sister brought you new phone? You call it happiness? It's not happiness but just a misconception, misconception we all have. Happiness is not dependent on materials, people or places it is something your heart consist of, it's there even when you don't have anything extra ordinary in life. You can feel it around you, you can be in it. Because the truth is no matter how tough our life becomes happiness is always with us. It is us who decide and label the time and the feeling "happy" "sad" "hard" "easy". The nature of time is happy, the type of time is simple and the habit of time is to run continuosly.It is humans who decides to be sad in a happy moment and He/She is also a human who is happy in the most difficult times because he knows whatever the difficulty is, it will not last long, problem can be powerful but not more than the strength of a person who knows how to be happy 24/7.We have made everything so much complicated, we let little things ruin our happiness, we are giving so much power to the things that doesn't require our minor attention, we are running for the pleasures without knowing that they are temporary.

As I said above, happiness is not a thing, neither it's a person. It is a sense of fulfilment, integrity, prosperity, wholeness and joy. You might be in stress, surrounded by millions of problems still you can be happy, dealing with a problem with complete courage and truthfulness is also a source of happiness. There is a sense around us all the time, we decide to name & label it. If we recognize it deeply then we'll know that it is nothing but a sense of wholeness try to feel it with all your soul and feed it in your mind that you already have what you need, your mind is a faithful servant of yours, it will act accordingly. Give yourself freedom to understand every aspect of this universe. That's where tranquility comes from when your heart and mind has less questions and more answers, when you are no more in conflict with yourself, you are not hustling anymore, staying calm and at peace.
Happiness is something you feel when you don't have much in life, when little moments bring smile on your face, when you feel peace within yourself everyday, when you don't rush things to get done because you know they will take time you don't feel lonely even when you are alone, when you rarely get bothered!! It is the moment when you breath happiness, when your happiness and peace isn't dependent on anyone it is the moment you can call yourself free. This is what real freedom is.

Friday 28 September 2018


Today, let's talk about the most neglected and underated person that is our own self. We rarely praise ourselves or appreciate the little efforts that we make, we are so busy in loving others that we forgot to love ourselves but one should know, that someone who cannot not love himself can't love anyone else in this world, this is the biggest reason why we are suffering from fake love and relations these days. We don't know how to love ourselves but we are promising others, telling them how deep our love is for them. It is nothing but an act of foolishness to expect love from someone who is unable to love himself/herself. People who cannot love themselves cannot love anyone else in this world.
Self love is not only to love your body and face, your perfect figure or adorable height, but it is to love and accept yourself, your imperfections, your failures, love your strength, weakness, passion, dreams, miseries, your God gifted complexion and everything you have by nature. These are the things you should be proud of because God has made you such a beautiful piece of art.

You are more than just a body, your complexion doesn't define you and it shouldn't. Too fat? too Chubby? too short? too tall? too dark, fair, skinny, out of shape or whatever just accept it and love yourself in every possible way. Your flaws are worthy of your acceptance to become your strength. Your body needs appreciation for doing so much for you and it surely deserves it, give it the love it was starving since forever.
The day you will accept yourself and start loving the way you are, you will feel a positive change in yourself, you will have extreme energy to make your dreams come true, your life will be like an alluring heaven, you will be more humble than others, people will love your presence, your vibes will attract them, your energy will be impressive and people will start loving you too.
That's how important self love is and that's how it can effect your life. Celebrate your little achievements, praise your small efforts and do tell yourself your mistakes but don't be so hard to forgive yourself. People will never stop criticising, but don't let that mere criticism devastate you, people will throw hate no matter what, you just need to be quiet in response, pass a smile and move on because only positivity can engulf negativity.
Let's be positive and kind towards ourselves.✨